Page 5 - BOE 2024salesinfo.index
P. 5

Option 1

      Sponsorships are all about

      Recognition and Branding!

 Main Sponsorship  Packages and Prices

          SIGNATURE                              PARTNER                           ENTREPRENEUR
                 $5,500                               $3,250                         only for (MBE)

                      10                                   5                                   3

      •  Prominent location-               •  1 table & 2 chairs                •  1 table & 2 chairs-located among
          2 tables & 6 chairs                                                      corporate sponsors
      •  Concurrent                        •  Matchmaking                       •  Meeting priority option in the
                                                                                   Matchmaking Session ***
      •  Half page ad                      •  Half page ad                      •  Full page

                                                                                •  Full capability statement - 1 year
                      -                                    -

                                         *** Depending on corporate interests and received requests.
                                                                 Visit us on the web at

             Business Opportunity Exchange (BOE) 2024  |   March 15th  |  Wyndham Grand Rio Mar                    5
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